Welcome to the new Daily Painters of Pennsylvania Challenge Blog for January!
With the Winter's chill in the air, I look forward to the ice melting on the goldfish pond; anticipate the greening of leaves and the return of Spring. Ah! the warmth of Springtime is on my mind! Here's the fish in my backyard pond right after they were fed. There's a little feeding frenzy going on and there's a lot of movement to the water in this challenge; I hope it fills you with a little inspiration of the Spring that is on the way.
Rules of the Challenge:
1. This monthly Challenge is for DPP members only, but anyone is welcome and encouraged to make comments on the posts.
2. Submit your Challenge entry just as you would a regular post - with a picture of your entry and anything you would like to write about your experience with this particular challenge. You are welcome to submit more than one entry.
3. All entries must be posted no later than midnight December 31, 2011.
4. To get a larger, high-resolution version of the monthly Challenge photo, just click on the photo in this post.
5. Please put only your name in the label section of your post - thanks! (Your name should appear exactly as it does on the DPP blog)
6. Please follow the spirit of this challenge - all submissions must be created after the Challenge has been posted.
7. Have fun!